Here is where you will be able to find some of the most frequently asked questions at Huddleston Performance. We will constantly be updating this page to help answer any questions you may have able your combination. We hope that by adding this page we can save you time and effort in the long run. Be sure to check for updates often, we may address issues you could encounter at any point during your Jr. Racing career.

  • What is the best way to store my Jr. Dragster for long periods of time?

The effects of not properly storing your Jr. Dragster can be long lasting and expensive to fix. Many racers cause themselves long term damage by not taking a few minutes to do the necessary things to store their racecars. We never want to see someone lose a round due to a lack of maintenance, when storing a car is very simple.

To properly store your Jr. there are only a few things which need attention. First, the fuel system is the most important thing to look at when storing your car. You want to drain the entire system completely: Fuel Tank, Fuel Lines, and Carburetor Bowl. Next you want to spray small amounts of WD-40 in the inlet of your Fuel Pump and Carburetor to ensure they have a coat of lubrication on them. Then reconnect your fuel lines and your fuel system is set for storage. This will fight off the effects of methanol oxidizing inside your Carburetor, causing what is known as "White Death".

For your engine, it is best to do a complete oil change when storing it. Then roll the motor back against its compression stroke for safe storage. Every so often you will want to rotate the motor to be sure the rings don't take a set on your sleeve, causing some damage to the surfaces. Following these guidelines will help to ensure your engines stays healthy through the winter months, or during off time in the season.


  • I Need Big Horsepower, Can Huddleston Performance Custom Build Me a Heavy Package?

Over the years Huddleston Performance has become a leader in the Horsepower and Consistency department. While we offer our Championship Winning Packages listed above, we are more than happy to tailor a higher horsepower package for 11.90, 8.90, or 7.90 competition.

Finding more horsepower is not a struggle with the HP Packages listed above, however finding horsepower in the correct way as to not lose consistency is more difficult. Track proven ways of increasing horsepower without sacrificing consistency is what Huddleston Performance is about. Sometimes these performance increases are a simple change, while other times it takes a revamping of your combo to get the optimal results, regardless of your situation we have put it on the race track before and won with it.

If you are in the market for a higher horsepower setup, give us a call to discuss options. Whether is it a slightly different port configuration on an 11.90 motor for larger racers, or needing to step up to a bigger motor in general for 7.90 racers, we will take all the time necessary to discuss your specific combination and come up with the Championship Combo for your team.


  • I call Huddleston Performance after 5 p.m. Central Standard Time and receive no answer, what do I need to do?

While it somewhat surprises us that this needs addressing, we occasionally get the customer who struggles with this topic. We want to make sure everyone receives the best service in the Jr. Industry by getting us on the phone, so below is the correct way to handle reaching us at Huddleston Performance.

Here at Huddleston Performance we strive to answer each and every call that comes in; however, with the number of customers we have it would be easy to stay on the phone 24/7 and get nothing done. For that reason we keep our phone lines open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time.

If your situation causes you to call us after 5 p.m. Central Standard Time or before 8 a.m. Central Standard Time, simply leave us a voicemail with your name, needs, and phone number; we will call you back the next morning to help address any issues you may have with your Jr. Dragster. If we happen to not reach you, we will always leave a voicemail on our return call to ensure you get the service you need. While we may have to play phone tag a few times, we constantly work to return all voicemails which we receive.

If you call after 5 p.m. Central Standard Time or before 8 a.m. Central Standard Time and do not leave a voicemail, do not expect a return call. It is assumed that if your situation doesn't warrant a voicemail then you have figured it out and don't need our assistance anymore.

We look forward to continuing with the best Technical Service in the Jr. Dragster Industry. For anybody with a Tech Question, you can reach us at 931-437-2457 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time or direct your tech questions to 


  • Does Huddleston Performance freshen other brands of motor?

The short answer to this question is: Yes, Huddleston Performance does work on nearly all other brands of engines.

However, like with most things, there is a more detailed answer to this question which will help you to know what to expect at Huddleston Performance. While we do freshen most other brands, there are some out there which simply are difficult to freshen. Parts availability, ease of doing business, and overall layout of the engine make a very small amount of engines something which Huddleston Performance does not do work on. This applies to a very small number of Jr. Engines out there today so don't hesitate to call and ask about your specific combination.

Also, we want our customers to know what they are getting up front. Here at Huddleston Performance we put the best into every engine that comes through the door. While that may not be the same parts in every layout of engine, we do our homework on your specific combination to ensure that you get the most life out of your parts. In short, if we wouldn't race it then we won't put it back into your motor, things such as:

1. We open your motor to see it has an 8 year old 7/8" crank with visible signs of stress.

2. Something has broke in your motor, while the camshaft runs true, it has clearly been hit in the breakage.

3. Titanium Valves which have been run with no lash caps, beating the tips off of them.


These are just a few examples of things which Huddleston Performance sees in other brands of engine and will not put back out the door to you the racer. While it may seem like a savings at the time of freshening, this type of work is much more costly to you in the long run. However, as with all motors that come into the Huddleston Performance doors, we will call you before any work has begun to discuss the quote on your motor and what parts are needed.


  • If I send my engine in for a freshen-up, what is the turnaround time before I will get it back?

On most engines, in shop turnaround time is less than a week. When you include the shipping of your engine to and from us, you will likely

miss only 1 weekend of racing action to get your engine freshened.


  • How many passes can I make on my HP Engine between freshen-ups?

At Huddleston Performance all of our engines are designed to last the average racer a full season between freshen-ups. The recommended

rebuild interval on our 11.90 Magnum is 250 passes. Our 8.90 Sniper Jrs and Sniper 7.90 Lite all have a

recommended rebuild interval of 200 passes.


  • When I purchase a new Huddleston Performance engine, how will I know the specs on my engine?

At Huddleston Performance we included a "care package" with every new engine purchased. This includes a tune-up sheet for your engine,

the correct break-in procedure for your engine, Huddleston Performance T-Shirts, and Huddleston Performance decals for your car.


  • What clutch is the best choice for my new Huddleston Performance engine?

Who better to clutch your new Huddleston Performance engine, than the people who know your engine best. For this reason, we developed

the Huddleston Performance Holeshot Gold Series Clutch. This is hands down the best clutch available for a Jr. Dragster. We have specific

tune ups developed for all of our engine combinations. Check out the full details on our Holeshot Series Clutch here.

In developing our own clutch we have also designed many Ramps, Helixes, and other tune-up related items. These items will retrofit to most

any "3 Arm Style" clutch on the market today. If you are not in the market for a Gold Series Clutch, we can set you up with the proper tune

up tools to help get your "3 Arm Style" clutch dialed in.

Lastly, we DO NOT recommend the use of Flyweight style clutches on our engines.


  • If I purchase a Turn-Key HP Car how long is the build time?

If your car has to be built from scratch, completion time is around 12 weeks. Unfortunately in today's world, there are supply issues with getting cars done as quickly as in years past. Due to these changes, we suggest getting started on your new HP Assassin as soon as possible.

  • If I have another brand of engine, can Huddleston Performance set me up a Holeshot Series Clutch that will have the right tune-up out of the box?

Although we can't guarantee you a perfect tune-up right out of the box, the many years of clutch experience Bo and Thomas Huddleston

have will give you a tune-up which will be close. Our extensive line of Ramps, Helixes, Reaction Time Shims, and more will allow us to get

your combination dead on in only a few trips to the racetrack.